domingo, 7 de junio de 2009


Algunos clientes nos envían sus impresiones de regreso a casa, otros nos escriben comentarios cariñosos en el libro de huéspedes. Agradecemos estas gentilezas y claro está que nos obsequien con sus saludos en la distancia. Esperamos que todos puedan tener buenos recuerdos de La Casa Grande aunque no nos lo hagan saber. Estos son algunos comentarios recibidos últimamente. Abrimos con dos sugestivas fotos que hizo Matthias en diciembre pasado y cerramos con las estupendas fotos que nos manda Fred Provenzano ...¡tomadas precisamente el mismo día!

Ellen Dunster de Nueva Zelanda / marzo 2009

Hi! We are home again now and have gone through our photos and decided your hotel and Arcos itself was our favourite spot. So thanks for a great holiday.

Regards Ellen.

John y Ruth Garland del Reino Unido/ mayo 2009

We have just arrived back in the UK. A note to you seemed important because our stay with you at La Casa Grande was so enjoyable and the atmosphere so wonderful. We shall never forget it. Thank you again - regards John & Ruth

Rita y Beto de Estados Unidos /abril 2009

Elena, Matias and the rest of the team,

Here is the review: There are no words to describe the wonderful ambience that you all create at Casa Grande - I only hope I have been able to relate to the reader how special Casa Grande is.

Thank you for the memories,

Rita & Beto Conde

Ekkehard Hippau de Alemania /marzo 2009

Buenas tardes, Senora Posa y Herr Franze,

nachdem meine Frau und ich nach 14 Tagen Urlaub in Andalusien nach Hause zurückgekehrt sind, scheint zwar auch in Wuppertal die Sonne (bei ca. 15 Grad), doch gehen unsere Gedanken noch oft nach Arcos de la Frontera zurück.

Wir haben uns im La Casa Grande sehr wohl gefühlt und werden gewiß einst wiederkommen, denn die Woche ging viel zu schnell vorüber.

Hasta la Vista

Ekkehard Hippauf und Renate Bosch

Wir werden das La Casa Grande auch an unsere Freunde weiterempfehlen.

Mette y Ragnar Nordlje de Noruega /abril 2009

Hi! Some weeks have passed, but we still want you to know that we appreciated the stay in your hotel very much!

The warm welcoming, - the atmosphere in the room, - and not at least the wonderful tapas meal in the sunset at your roof terrace.

And, - thanks to your personal interest in your guests: the suggestion to visit the "Fernando & Castilla"! The Norwegian owner took us for a 2 hours tour through the cellars, - we got a gorgious visit that we will never forget. - And we didn't know anything about a Norwegian owner of a sherry company before the morning we checked out from your hotel!

Great thanks for your outstanding hospitality!

Best regards,

Mette Nordlie

Fred Provenzano de Estados Unidos/diciembre 2008

Hello!.... Please feel free to use any or all of these photos on your blog or in any brochures, etc. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at La Casa Grande, and are happy to do what we can to encourage others to also enjoy this experience.

Muchas gracias

Fred Provenzano

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